miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2007

Delicious weather, and delicious food

We are here enjoying the good weather, this is not cold at all, in the middle of the day we reach a temperature of 25ºC, which is really delicious and the sky is completely blue with the sun shinning. All the sweaters and coats had been in the suitcases because we don't use them here. :)

Our agenda had been very busy, we already ate "Tacos al Pastor" with a lot of sauce. And we saw Enchanted and Hannibal Rising at the cinema where we ate a delicious Nachos with a lot of cheese and peppers. And our stomach are still very healthy.

Well this is a little update but I will post more soon.

For english here!

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2007

Our tired flight

After a very busy days in Mexico we hadn't have time to write here.

As I promised I have to tell you about how we arrived here, originally we have our flight at 10:30 to Amsterdam with KLM but after making the check-in and be ready to go onboard we heard our names and we had to go back to the tickets office. When we were there they let us know that our flight was delay and we were going to lose the flight to Mexico so we were moved to another flight to Paris by Air France to be in Mexico at 21:30.

Everything was ready so we wait for two more hours but we didn't care, we only let know our family that we will arrive later.

The flight in general was a little bit tired because we suffered another delay of one hour in Paris and this flight was of 12 hours.

Finally we arrived and after calling my father he told me that he was waiting for us with a car so we didn't have to take the bus. Fortunately we were lucky to get green light and our suitcases were not opened by the security of the airport.

We only made a little stop in "El Zócalo" in Mexico City where you can find the "biggest" ice skating field in the world but we didn't skate because was already closed (ok we were not planning to do it) but we enjoyed of the Christmas lights in the city.

I will post some pictures later. I'm lazy right now to fight with my camera jeje. (hehe in swedish)

For english here!

sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2007

¡¡¡Hemos llegado!!! / We had arrive!!!

Pues finalmente nos encontramos en México!!!!

Después de un viaje un poco ajetreado ya que hubo contratiempos con los vuelos (que luego contaré) pues ya estamos en nuestro gran país listos para disfrutar de las fiestas navideñas.

Prometimos ir contando nuestras aventuras por este medio para todos nuestros amigos en Suecia por lo que requeriremos cambiar de idioma por un tiempo.

Gracias por su comprensión. :)


Finally we are in Mexico!!!!

After a little tired trip because we had a few issues with the flights (that I will talk about later) we are in our wonderful country ready to enjoy the Christmas parties.

We promised to tell our adventures by this media to all our friends in Sweden that is why we will have to change the language for a while.

Thanks for understanding. :)

For english here!

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

Santa Lucía

Aquí se celebra hoy en grande el día de Santa Lucía. La celebración comienza muy temprano en las escuelas (estoy hablando de 7-8 AM) y consiste en coronar a Sta. Lucía.

Aparte en cada ciudad o pueblo escogen a unas 7 niñas que compiten por ser Sta. Lucía, la gente vota por la que más les guste y el día de hoy se hace una procesión y coronan a la ganadora; la cual vestirá de blanco y llevará en la cabeza una corona de velas.

Toda la celebración es acompañada por Glögg (vino tinto caliente dulce) y Lussekatter (pan de Lucía) y existe una canción que se canta en este día que es "Santa Lucía" (no confundir con una muy popular en español).

Se dice que los suecos tomaron esta tradición para dar luz a su oscuro invierno siendo el día 13 de diciembre el más oscuro del año, aunque esto suele cambiar de vez en cuando.

Aquí les dejo una foto del lussekatter hecho con azafrán, y pues no está mal. Pero nosotros lo acompañamos con un chocolate "Abuelita".

For english here!

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2007

Perdón por la tardanza

Sé que he dejado de escribir por mucho tiempo pero pues es que se juntaron muchas cosas y pues no había tenido tiempo de escribir o simplemente la indecisión que siempre se mete en donde no debe.

Pero bueno aquí les estaré poniendo el recuento de todo lo que ha pasado en estas últimas semanas, que ya son un buen jeje.

Así que UNA DISCULPA!!!!!

For english here!